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Girl You Are

Light Renowned


Girl You Are

To hold on or let go… that is the question | 5 minutes of Authenticity with Pritha

Pritha Lal


To hold on or let go… that is the question | 5 minutes of Authenticity with Pritha

Soul Talks ~ Humanity Speaks with Sreeja

Speaking Buddha


Soul Talks ~ Humanity Speaks with Sreeja

Soul Talks ~ Humanity Speaks with Gauri

Speaking Buddha


Soul Talks ~ Humanity Speaks with Gauri

#AskAnExpert | Shirin Yadegar - CEO of Los Angeles Mom Magazine

Deborah Pardes


#AskAnExpert | Shirin Yadegar - CEO of Los Angeles Mom Magazine

Soul Talks ~ Humanity Speaks with Sonalisa

Speaking Buddha


Soul Talks ~ Humanity Speaks with Sonalisa

RESILIENCE | #TellYourStory - Describe a chapter in your life when your resilience surprised even you

Mental Wellness Stories


RESILIENCE | #TellYourStory - Describe a chapter in your life when your resilience surprised even you

You are not stupid or ugly. Your beliefs define you. Not others..

Jentrey Potter


You are not stupid or ugly. Your beliefs define you. Not others..

COMPARE & DESPAIR | In The News - How to stop a comparison spiral

Mental Wellness Stories


COMPARE & DESPAIR | In The News - How to stop a comparison spiral

What Does MLK Day Mean to You?

Natasha Nurse


What Does MLK Day Mean to You?

Teacher’s Journal: What Resources Would You Recommend for a Newly Fatherless Teenage Girl?

Kwa NateKo


Teacher’s Journal: What Resources Would You Recommend for a Newly Fatherless Teenage Girl?

I’m Back! How was your year?

Patrick Hickey Jr.


I’m Back! How was your year?

Staying grounded in "your" spirit this season.

Gena Campbell


Staying grounded in "your" spirit this season.


Meenu Kaur



🎙️Everything Happens For You, Not To You

Tiffany Che


🎙️Everything Happens For You, Not To You

Alien anthropologist NOT "disabled".

Christina AuDHD 🏳️‍🌈 🇺🇲 🇨🇦


Alien anthropologist NOT "disabled".

Women empowerment... Why women only?

Kaveri Bhatt


Women empowerment... Why women only?

How Do You Define Success?

Kelly Gentry


How Do You Define Success?

What is your why?

Kelly Gentry


What is your why?

Recap and Excerpt of "Talking Cities Podcast"

Talia Rodriguez JD


Recap and Excerpt of "Talking Cities Podcast"

Empowering our young self

Nadine Martinez


Empowering our young self

Episode 3: Defending Your Reputation

Symone Marie


Episode 3: Defending Your Reputation

You Can Do Anything…

Debbie Roppolo


You Can Do Anything…

The Power of Your Voice

Sacred Lotus


The Power of Your Voice