Poetry Is ALL Around Us: Let’s Decode Part of a Song Together: Janelle Monae’s " Locked Inside"

I can go over poetic terms and how you can spot them. But for now, this is just an example of a song lyric that is poetry. Rap songs, even love songs, is poetry. It's just that it's to a melody or a beat, and we accept it a little more. So in the first photo you see here, it says, on real cold days, he loans us lots of hate. But he says that we must pay to take it all away

#DecodingPoetry #Song #Archandroid #Lyrics

Isoellen Writes
@Isoellen · 4:44

#poetry #twitter - poetry in a time of covid

For me, when I was writing the adult poetry, the sensual poetry, the challenge was to put as much emotion into that poetry, to make it human, no matter what the subject matter, and to make it believable and felt. And then also because I love words, to use all the words in the crayon box that I possibly could, which isn't necessarily the goal in most poetry
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:00


So, yeah, I definitely love poems that I understand. If it's too difficult and too much going on, I'm like, but that's our love hate with poetry. But anyway, yeah, I'm going to get to work on some poetry. I'm on one of my breaks at work. I know this evening I'm going to be working on some more poetry, and I bought book one. Your book? I think it's called looking for the alpha. No
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Isoellen Writes
@Isoellen · 4:53

@BunBunsBookPick NSFW poetry - Basket of Figs by Ellen Bass

Hello. So this is the poem that I was talking about. That one of my favorite sensual, rather erotic poems. So not safe for work here, people. A lot of very sensual imagery. And I love it because it's not crude. It is so incredibly sensual that you can hold it in your mouth and taste the flavors of it. It just blows my mind, the imagery. I love this poem so much
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:23


So even the way we read poetry conveys something. And so I feel the same way you do about the eggs. I was imagining poached eggs and the cinnamon and the scent of those two fragrances mingling together. And then the poem you read about the tiger that you have wrote, it was just so clear. I can see it like it was happening right before me. And this is what I'm talking about, the power of poetry. And I definitely thank you for sharing those
javon johnson
@motoblanco · 2:56
And I feel as far as romantic scenes or spicy scenes, I just kind of feel like the written word does a lot better job of kind of like conveying the full experience to the reader, whether it's prose or whether it's a book or it's poetry. Because I like the style of poetry or prose, where it appeals to all the senses
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:25


But I think that's a good idea to introduce, like, a first person narrative. I may have seen movies like that, maybe a few, to kind of show us around, tell us what's going on. But, yeah, I love it. Thank you for contributing