"Love" is NOT an IOU on a Credit Account

And, boy, am I jealous of that, but that's not mine. And this morning, when I was talking to my brother on the phone, I said, you know, it really hurts me because I went into it, but all the sacrifices that I made as a parent, I would think that they would respect me enough to carry that over and keep that in mind when I need their help, that they'll give back because I've been so gracious with them

#IOU #Love #Credit

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:53
Hey, MJ, this is a great topic. I can't think of a time where I did something for someone with the expectation that later on they would return the favor. But I know at one point in time in my life, I had to really explore the way I handle friendship
Deborah Gilmore
@Transformation · 4:59
And I'm glad that if I had to spend this time with anybody and I had to depend on anybody in this point in my life would be my children. So I thank God for that opportunity, for that. And it showed me a lot. I've grown a lot being here with my kids and really understanding. When they have priorities, they understand. And we taught our children this, to be responsible, but not to be a caring person

@Transformation #ScrewedUp #Independent #NeedHelp

And you do need help, just like you said. So thank you very much for listening to me and for giving me your feedback, because it really means so much to hear somebody say, you know what? You're not as screwed up as you think you are. So thank you for saying that, but in a nicer way
Emily Stewart
@dourbat · 1:38
This is such a common experience. I think many people have, especially from what I hear from children and parents and that whole relationship dynamic. I think it's so interesting how often people take the love they receive from everyone, including their parents, for granted. But at the same time, it's so hard when you show care and show feelings towards someone or action that you think should be reciprocated, and they're not reciprocated, at least in that same fashion

@MsColes77 #reciprocation #OneGoodDeed

You, just to be clear, here's a lot of my, I don't know. I don't want to say insecurity because that makes me sound like I'm not confident. And I try to be confident, you know? And I usually do fairly well, fairly good job of it. But I'm intelligent in a book smart world, smart way, me. But I have social. More than social anxiety

@dourbat #DoLove

Yeah. If I had to choose between the two, I mean, I would like somebody to tell me that they love me when they do, but I'd much rather have someone show me they love me than just say it. So that's for sure. Yeah. Thanks for pointing that out to me. That was a very good statement to make. Because love is not something you just pass off. It comes from deep inside. It's more than just doing things for each other
