Mitchell McKay
@ThePhantom · 4:59

History and Timeline of Autism -Part 2

In 1990, the individuals with Disabilities Education act or IDEA was passed by Congress to provide students with disabilities the same opportunity for education as students without disabilities. When this bill passed, autism was included as a disability category, thus making it easier for autistic children to receive special education services. Four years later, the DSM four added Asperger syndrome as a separate subcategory of autism spectrum disorder
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:13
I love this. I love how informative and in depth you get with it. It's wonderful to share. I've re swelled it. Hopefully a lot more people listen to it because I think it's important and. Great. Thank you so much
Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 2:56
And so for this month, for autism awareness and acceptance, I again thank you very much for your contribution. This post and the previous post were very necessary. You did a great job. I learned quite a lot and it is a wonderful compliment to other points of information that I have learned. So please keep posting. Follow me so you can see and listen to different perspectives that I offer for autism

Medical Practice is just that—a PRACTICE, not a medical perfect!

Because if the government was responsible for all of the people who have been, quote unquote mutated by something that the government forced children to be vaccinated with, that means the government would be responsible for all of these people who cannot work or give as much input to society as they should have, and the government would be held responsible. Which would mean what if the government was responsible for all of these, quote unquote defective people? They would have to pay through the nose for lawsuits, right?
