aamna singh
@Aamna · 4:40

Dealing with the loss of someone 🍀🫰🙏

The pain of seeing a loved one going through something which is just not physical, but emotional is something that it's very hard to deal with. It is the pain of knowing that you cannot take away the pain. You can't do much about it, you just have to stand by, offer support, and that's it. But on the contrary, I feel that you are consumed by their pain and you are draining. Also. It is compounded by attachment, right?

Dealing with loss and pain withers you apart.Its very gard to deal with and gather strength and surrender.. #attachment #swellcast #

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:47
And what happens is we are always attached and habituated to them. Now when something happens immediately we feel like speaking to them, telling them those sometimes what happens is even without speaking we could convey lot of things with them. So such kind of emotions and such kind of affection, whatever is there, it's really difficult when you see them going away from us. So it's really hard to hold on
Surya V
@welcome28 · 0:49
Hello. Hi, my friend. It's been so long that I have listened to you. Yes. When we lose some person, it affects our psyche. Depending upon the connections we have with that person. My love, my prayers, our prayers with you. Be strong. Be strong always. Lord is there for us. So see you some other time. Keep posting. Keep posting whenever you are free. Thank you so much. Bye. Have a nice day
Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 2:25
And it would be probably foolish of me to say that I hope you'll get over it real soon, because I don't want to use that term getting over it when it comes to an experience like this, losing a loved one or having to deal with the fear of losing a loved one. So, yeah, it stays with you. But of course, with time, you will make peace with this and with time you will be able to feel like yourself again
Shirly Mathew
@NEWDAWN123 · 3:24
They would also always be there as an angelic form, the divine form, giving you strength, peace. It's sad that they become memories for us. There is a penis gland affirmation, which I would like to say please repeat with me amna. It is a powerful manifestation, not only Aamna, but everybody of a swell group. I am divine. I am strong. I am infinite intelligence. I create the life that I desire from inside. I am worthy of all the success I desire
Shirly Mathew
@NEWDAWN123 · 0:35
You. I have a spiritual guidance blessing that I would like to speak for everybody. May the winds of the earth carry me. May the waters of the earth cleanse me. May the fires of the earth warm me. May the soil of the earth nourish me. May the spirit of earth inspire and guide me always towards inner peace and contentment
